It was during this visit to the farm that I saw my first snake. There was a milk house 10 by 15 feet located about 10 feet from the kitchen. Shelves around it held pans of milk until the cream came to the top and was skimmed off, to be made into butter. The milk house was down about three feet below the level of the ground and the roof extended nearly to the ground. There was an ventilator opening in the roof about six inches square. Grandmother went down into the milk house this morning and about 18 inches of a large black snake was hanging down from the ventilator. Old Prince, a large black dog, saw the snake (over half of it was on the roof), ran up on the roof and pulled it out; shook it until it was dead. It must have been 3 1/2 or 4 feet long. It bit old Prince on the leg and he limped around for a couple of weeks. Black snakes are not poisonous.