
Contact Form

Please see this link for examples of:


Digital Art

K-12 Student Work

College Art Foundations Student Work

Sculpture Commissions

Instagram feed:


Behance/ Vimeo/ Instructional videos/ Institute for the Future/ Simnuke show/ Siskiyou Art Museum/ The Lab: Autumn Lights/ The Times-Standard/

Education and Art:

Art In America/ Worldwide Arts Resources/ Science-Art Collaborations/ College Art Association/ The Crucible/


International Sculpture Center/ Ohio Sculpture Center/

Kinetics and Light:

Cabaret Mechanical theater/ Kinetica Museum/ Calder Foundation/ Jean Tinguely/ Arthur Ganson/ Wilson's Art Links/ Gizmology/ Dorkbot/ Parallax/ The Crucible/ All Electronics/ Hobby Engineering/ open EEG

Competitions, Shows, Commissions, Events Listings:

Bay Area:

San Francisco Open Studios/ ProArts/ Artweek/ Bay Area Art Listings/ Headlands Center for the Arts/ Djerassi Foundation/ Kala Gallery/ UC Berkeley's Art, Technology and Culture Colloquium/ The Crucible/ San Francisco Arts Commission/ California Arts Council/ Exploratorium

and Beyond....

New York Foundation For The Arts/ Women's Art Network/ Art Deadlines List/ ISC/